We all have questions. Sometimes the answers are easy. But, sometimes, our questions are complicated and the answers are difficult to see and even harder to articulate. Join us for worship at First United Methodist Church in January as we address some of the most frequently asked questions about the Christian faith.
- January 3 – Do miracles still happen?
- January 10 – Why and how should I read the Bible?
- January 17 – How do I know God’s will for my life?
- January 24 – Why does God allow evil and suffering?
- January 31 – What does faith have to do with politics?
What is this sermon about?
This sermon is about the ways that we can know God’s will for our life.
Why is this sermon important?
This sermon is important because we can know God’s will for our life. God has good things in mind for each person.
What is the context of this sermon?
This sermon is the third in the FAQ series and is adapted from the Alpha Talk – How does God guide us? by Nicky Gumbel.
What are the next action steps?
Don’t look back with regret. Don’t look around with worry.
Trust God that in everything in your life God is working for your good.
What is the good news (bottom line)?
The good news is that God is guiding you. God’s will for your life is good.