

First United Methodist Church of El Dorado exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by changing lives, developing leaders, and sharing Christ. To us, being a disciple means following Jesus by engaging in spiritual practices to worship, grow, give, serve and share. These five characteristics make up our discipleship pathway; following are a list of opportunities associated with our pathway to help each individual continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.


Our church has an outstanding selection of book available for your use in the library. You can browse the library from your home using the firstumceldorado library | TinyCat link and even place a hold. When you come into the library to pick up the book, please remember to check the material out using the procedure located by the computer. It’s as simple as scanning the bar code located on the upper right-hand corner of the back of the book, selecting your name from the pull down menu on the computer, and selecting the check-out button. If you are a new user or have any issues with the checkout procedure, send a text to 913-634-0936 or email providing your name, book title, and the  bar code number and Sheryl will handle it for you.

Please return books to the cart located by the computer table.


Student Ministries

This September, we were thrilled to introduce Brad Schafer as the newest member of our team, stepping into the role of Impact Ministries Leader. Over the coming weeks, you’ll get to know Brad as he brings his enthusiasm and vision to our youth programs. Brad is passionate about making a meaningful impact on our young people and is eager to help our youth programs flourish. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to connect with Brad!

Grow – Ongoing Groups


A group of adults 50+ who are seeking the Word through Methodist studies, Wired Word on current social issues, and Christian videos that encompass various Bible and social topics.  The group is led by a class facilitator who guides the members in open discussions about the different studies. This group meets Sunday mornings.


Please Join Harmony Sunday School Class from 10:00AM to 11:00AM every Sunday, in the Chapel, 2nd floor.  We enjoy members of widely varied ages and opinions.  Usually this allows for lively discussion following the video lesson for the day.  Participants can speak or just listen and absorb.  No one is ever put on the spot and there are no wrong questions or answers, but there is always coffee!