Sermons from 2016 (Page 3)

Sermons from 2016 (Page 3)

Blessing / Curse

We all have choices in life. Often, it seems, that we have to choose one or the other: Right or Left. This or That. True or False. Stop or Go. Sometimes, the answer is Both / And. Join us for a four-week series in worship as we consider the message of the book of James and how to live as disciples in our everyday life. May 29 – Hearer / Doer June 5 – Faith / Actions June 12 – Blessing / Curse June 19 – Submission…

Faith / Actions

We all have choices in life. Often, it seems, that we have to choose one or the other: Right or Left. This or That. True or False. Stop or Go. Sometimes, the answer is Both / And. Join us for a four-week series in worship as we consider the message of the book of James and how to live as disciples in our everyday life. May 29 – Hearer / Doer June 5 – Faith / Actions June 12 – Blessing / Curse June 19 – Submission…

Hearer / Doer

We all have choices in life. Often, it seems, that we have to choose one or the other: Right or Left. This or That. True or False. Stop or Go. Sometimes, the answer is Both / And. Join us for a four-week series in worship as we consider the message of the book of James and how to live as disciples in our everyday life. May 29 – Hearer / Doer June 5 – Faith / Actions June 12 – Blessing / Curse June 19 – Submission…

Sacrificial Giving

We are a growing church, growing family, moving forward. Our story began in December 1869 as the church first church organized in Butler County. In the first sixty years of our church’s existence, we worshiped in seven different locations and built three brand new buildings. Today, we have the opportunity to build on the legacy of generosity and sacrifice of those who have come before us. We invite you to join us for worship from April 24 to May 22…

Lived in Faith

We are a growing church, growing family, moving forward. Our story began in December 1869 as the church first church organized in Butler County. In the first sixty years of our church’s existence, we worshiped in seven different locations and built three brand new buildings. Today, we have the opportunity to build on the legacy of generosity and sacrifice of those who have come before us. We invite you to join us for worship from April 24 to May 22…

Revealed in Prayer

We are a growing church, growing family, moving forward. Our story began in December 1869 as the church first church organized in Butler County. In the first sixty years of our church’s existence, we worshiped in seven different locations and built three brand new buildings. Today, we have the opportunity to build on the legacy of generosity and sacrifice of those who have come before us. We invite you to join us for worship from April 24 to May 22…

Grounded in Gratitude

We are a growing church, growing family, moving forward. Our story began in December 1869 as the church first church organized in Butler County. In the first sixty years of our church’s existence, we worshiped in seven different locations and built three brand new buildings. Today, we have the opportunity to build on the legacy of generosity and sacrifice of those who have come before us. We invite you to join us for worship from April 24 to May 22…