Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending March 18, 2018
Here is what we have going on: Tribe 1 (4th-6th) This Wednesday, we’ll explore how God is still creating and what it means to us. We’ll also take a walk down to Sunshine Alley (is that what it’s called?), one of the empty lots downtown that has been converted to sitting space to spruce it up a bit before spring. On Sunday, kids (and anyone else) can join the ukulele choir that goes from 10-10:15. Beginners welcome! Also, kids have…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending March 11, 2018
Here’s what’s going on: Tribe 1: (4th-6th grades) Sunday mornings we are joining the newly formed ukulele choir from 10-10:15, then will be working on a skit. If you have a ukulele you are not using and would be willing to lend it out, please let me know. Wednesday afternoon we will be talking about the creation of humans, specifically male and female. This will lead to a several week discussion on what gender meant then and how our understanding…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending March 4, 2018
The forecast looks like we can meet tomorrow…yay! Here’s a breakdown of what we have going on: Tribe 1 (4th-6th) On Wednesday, we will FINALLY be able to cover the second creation story and then we’ll compare the two to see what we learn. In celebration of creation and the nice weather we’re supposed to have, we’ll spend the Serve hour walking to Gordy park and doing general clean up at the park and along the way. We’ll also allow time…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending February 25, 2018
We will not be having FirstKids on Wednesday, February 21 due to weather; if El Dorado Schools are cancelled, we will cancel, too. Hopefully this will be the last time for awhile—I’d love to feel like we’re back in a rhythm! On Sunday, our Tribe 1 kids (4th-6th) will continue to hang out, play ukuleles, and work on skits that they will perform in worship. Our Tribe 2 kids (K-3rd) will learn how Jesus healed Jairus’s daughter, and will learn…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending February 11, 2018
Here’s what we have going on; please let me know if you have any questions! Lent starts with Ash Wednesday on February 14, so you can find some suggestions on how your family can observe this time of preparation before Easter with this link: Lent_Activities. Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Wednesday: This week, we’ll be examining the Creation story during small group time, and will be cooking snacks for Skelly teachers for FirstKids Serve. We’ve been having such a great time; thanks for…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending February 4, 2018
Good morning Andrew! Here is what we have going on for Children’s Ministry. We are still working on a transportation route for Wednesdays, so please let me know if a ride would be helpful for your kid. Also, let me know if you have any questions! Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Our small group on Wednesday has been AWESOME as we have discussed different approaches understanding the Bible (Is it literally true all the time? some of the time? how do you know?). This…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending January 28, 2018
Here’s what we have going on in Children’s Ministry. We would like to offer transportation on Wednesday afternoons, so can you please let me know if that would be a need for you? Then, maybe, we can formulate a route that gets everyone where they need to be on time. See attached (Elementary_Opportunities (PDF) if you need a reminder about what our kids’ programs look like. Our Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 16-20, so save the date! Tribe…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending January 21, 2018
It is super cold today, but it looks like it’s supposed to be much warmer tomorrow so we will have our regular Wednesday events. I hope your new year if off to a great start, and I look forward to meeting up regularly with your kids again! Here’s what we have going on. Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Before Christmas, this group wrote down some of their faith questions and we’ll spend much of the spring answering them during small group time.…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending December 31, 2017
Merry Christmas! For those of you who were not at Candlelight Christmas Eve, I would like to invite you to participate in our 12 days of Christmas kindness called Do All the Good. Our goal is to extend the joy of Christmas by serving others; check it out at Even if you only have time to do a couple, that’s a couple more things to add cheer to our world! Tribe 1 (4th-6th) We will not meet this Sunday,…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending December 24, 2017
Make plans to attend our Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 7; this is one of the most meaningful services in the Christian year, and you won’t want to miss it! Also a reminder that we are having one service in the morning at 10 a.m. Here are other upcoming events: Tribe 1 (4th – 6th grade): We are taking a break from our Wednesday activities until January 17. We are changing curriculums after the start of the year for small group…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending December 17, 2017
First, wasn’t the kids’ program fun? A BIG thank you to Chelle for organizing that effort. Please make sure the thank her if you haven’t already. Secondly, sorry this is a little late in getting out. But, here’s what we have going on… Tribe 1 (4th-6th) For our small group time tonight, we’ll wrap up our discussion on what we want to do next year, and will review our “Guiding Principles” to make sure we didn’t leave off anything important.…
2017 Children’s Advent Musical Presentation
The children and youth of First UMC El Dorado share a musical presentation during the season of Advent