Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending March 18, 2018

Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending March 18, 2018

Here is what we have going on:

Tribe 1 (4th-6th)

This Wednesday, we’ll explore how God is still creating and what it means to us. We’ll also take a walk down to Sunshine Alley (is that what it’s called?), one of the empty lots downtown that has been converted to sitting space to spruce it up a bit before spring.

On Sunday, kids (and anyone else) can join the ukulele choir that goes from 10-10:15. Beginners welcome! Also, kids have been working on a skit to be performed at a later date. Kids will be performing a song on April 8 with their ukes for 2nd service, so mark your calendars!

I’m still trying to schedule dates for camp; if your kid is interested, please let me know if either or both of these dates work for you: July 9-13 or July 30-Aug 3.

Tribe 2 (K-3rd)

This afternoon, we will be enjoying the nice weather with a walk downtown to spruce up some of that space before spring.

On Sunday, we will be learning more about Jesus and the Last Supper; specifically, how our Christian celebration of communion came to be. Our older kids are also teaching this Tribe a song that they will all perform on April 8, so make plans to attend! We’re also continuing our study of Lent, leading up to Easter.


Our nursery kids are still learning more about Palm Sunday, and how the people greeted Jesus with joy as he entered Jerusalem. They are also preparing a special banner for Palm Sunday to share with the congregation! Their memory verse is Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Matthew 21:9.

Have a great day!


Valecia Scribner