Here’s what’s going on:
Tribe 1: (4th-6th grades)
Sunday mornings we are joining the newly formed ukulele choir from 10-10:15, then will be working on a skit. If you have a ukulele you are not using and would be willing to lend it out, please let me know.
Wednesday afternoon we will be talking about the creation of humans, specifically male and female. This will lead to a several week discussion on what gender meant then and how our understanding has changed. For FirstKids Serve, we’ll be putting together snack packs for Skelly students to enjoy during state testing.
Let Valecia know if you are interested in a human sexuality retreat experience for you and your 4th-6th grade girl.
Tribe 2: (K-3rd grades)
Sunday mornings we are looking at various stories of Jesus. This week, we’re learning about Bartimaeus and how he was healed because of his faith. This group is also doing a stained glass scavenger hunt during the Sunday School, which should be a lot of fun! Some of our older kids are also teaching the younger group the words to He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, which we’ll be performing for the congregation with ukulele accompaniment at some future date.
FirstKids Serve on Wednesday evening will consist of putting together snack packs for Skelly for State Testing.
This month we’re learning about Hosanna, and it so fun to be greeted by one of our nursery kids shouting Hosanya (rhymes with lasagne) in the hallway! We’ll be creating a Palm Sunday banner for the congregation to see later on in the month. Donkeys are also an integral part of the story, so if kids suddenly have donkeys on their brain, you know why 🙂
Please let me know if you have any questions or problems, thanks!