Posts from September 2017
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending October 1, 2017
Our church is taking a team of people up to Church of the Resurrection for Leadership Institute this Wednesday. It provides an opportunity for church leaders to dream big, and some of the things we are currently doing are a result of this conference (especially some of our service endeavors, like our Skelly partnership). Please pray for our leaders as we consider the next faithful steps for our church! Tribe 1 (4th-6th grades) Small group time (Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m.): We have been…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending September 24, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.1% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 95 103 -7.3% Worship Total Attendance 164 175 -6.0% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 143 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 200 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 318 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 7 8 -2.0% Grow Small Groups Participation 56 57 -1.6% Give Offering Received $5,759…
Fall 2017 Skelly Partnership Update
On September 10, 2017, Denise Friesen, Educator at Skelly Elementary School shared some of the impact of our partnership. You can find the videos from both 9 and 11 a.m. worship below. Skelly Partnership Update from Denise Friesen at 9 a.m. Worship Skelly Partnership Update from Denise Friesen at 11 a.m. Worship
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending September 24, 2017
Happy Wednesday! Here is what we have going on for kids in the near future. Please remember to register here so we can get all permissions taken care of. Thank you! Also, a reminder to complete the My 3 cards (the ones where you ask people to be prayer partners with your kids) as we’ll have our first activity next month! Tribe 1 (4th – 6th) Wednesdays: Our small group time is using the Grapple curriculum, which is very much real-life…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending September 17, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.2% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 95 103 -7.2% Worship Total Attendance 164 175 -5.9% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 144 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 201 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 319 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 8 8 -2.2% Grow Small Groups Participation 56 57 -2.7% Give Offering Received $5,772…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending September 17, 2017
I hope your transition to a school year routine has been a smooth one! Here’s what we have going on in Children’s Ministry: Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Our Tribe 1 kids had a blast playing Nerf wars at small group last week! In case y’all didn’t know it, some of our kids are a little cut throat when it comes to games. They also came up with some awesome ideas on how to serve our neighbors this year, and we’ll implement several…
Workers for God
The Chancel Choir at First United Methodist Church of El Dorado performs Workers for God by Charles Davis.
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending September 10, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -3.3% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 95 104 -8.0% Worship Total Attendance 165 175 -6.1% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 144 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 202 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 321 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 7 8 -3.2% Grow Small Groups Participation 55 58 -3.9% Give Offering Received $5,788…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending September 10, 2017
THIS IS THE WEEK! We are starting up our Wednesday programs tomorrow, read about it below. Also, remember to be recruiting 3 prayer partners for your kids; you should have received a letter explaining the process a few weeks ago. The basic idea is to connect three people from the congregation (who are not related to you) to your kid to strengthen intergenerational bonds. I have more of the My 3 Cards if you need a replacement. Prayer partners agree to…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending September 3, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -3.3% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 95 104 -8.1% Worship Total Attendance 165 176 -6.1% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 145 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 203 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 322 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 7 8 -3.2% Grow Small Groups Participation 55 58 -4.7% Give Offering Received $5,830…
Hurricane Harvey Response
Every United Methodist Church has been challenged to provide cleaning kits for people to use to help clean up after Hurricane Harvey. First UMC El Dorado is going for 15 kits! Can we do it? With your help, we can! Here are two ways you can help: Give Money We have created a disaster response fund to receive funds. $65.00 will purchase the contents for one flood bucket. You can contribute to this fund online here and select “Disaster Response.”…