Posts from October 2017
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending November 5, 2017
Happy Halloween! First, a Save the Date: Kids will be performing their Christmas program on Sunday, December 10. This includes nursery through 6th graders. Here’s what we have coming up in the life of the church for kids: Tribe 1 (4th-6th grade) We are wrapping up our series on “Who is Jesus” this week by examining his claim that he is Lord in small group time. We’ll be cooking in the kitchen for our Blessing Box for FirstKids Serve. For…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending October 29, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.6% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 94 102 -7.2% Worship Total Attendance 163 174 -6.1% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 143 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 195 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 312 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 8 7 4.1% Grow Small Groups Participation 57 56 2.4% Give Offering Received $5,736…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending October 29, 2017
Happy Fall! Here’s what we having going on: First, a church brunch this Sunday at 10. Please make sure to invite your child’s prayer partner; it would be a great opportunity for them to get to know each other a little more. Bring a dish to share. Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Wednesday: We will be asking the question “is Jesus loser or Lord this week?” in small group time, and will be painting our bench during FirstKids Serve. Please wear or bring…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending October 22, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.1% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 94 102 -7.7% Worship Total Attendance 163 174 -6.2% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 143 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 195 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 312 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 8 8 2.8% Grow Small Groups Participation 58 56 3.2% Give Offering Received $5,754…
Hiring: Childcare Provider Position
The Childcare Provider creates a safe, fun and Christian atmosphere for children from birth through 10 years of age. Some essentials duties and responsibilities include; care for children during workshop services and other activities of the church as required, maintain a fun, safe and Christian environment for children, and role model Christian practices, such as prayer and participating in worship. For more information about this position and/or to apply please contact Kristina Helmer at Applications will be accepted through…
Hiring: Nursery Coordinator Position
The Nursery Coordinator supervises and schedules volunteers and staff and provided direction and consultation for those who care for young children. Some essential duties and responsibilities include; develop a schedule for Sunday mornings and weekday evening, supervise nursery staff and volunteers, and provide care when insufficient volunteer/staff are available. For more information about this position and/or to apply please contact Kristina Helmer at Applications will be accepted through November 8, 2017 or until filled.
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending October 22, 2017
Happy Fall! Here’s what we have going on in the life of the church for kids in the near future; please let me know if you have any questions! Also, a reminder. Please register your kids so we have all the permissions we need to transport, and information we need in terms of allergies. Thanks for your attention to this. You can find the form at Tribe 1 (4th – 6th grades) Our small group is examining the claims made…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending October 15, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.3% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 94 103 -8.6% Worship Total Attendance 163 175 -6.8% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 143 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 196 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 313 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 8 8 0.2% Grow Small Groups Participation 57 56 0.7% Give Offering Received $5,745…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending October 15, 2017
Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Small group time: We’re starting a new unit on Who is Jesus? which will encourage our critical thinking skills! FirstKids Serve: due to the rain last week, we didn’t get to paint. We’re planning on it tomorrow, so please wear paint clothes again. Lord’s Acre: I think our group is old enough to handle serving at this event this year! We will need help from about 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. on October 21 at the Butler Welcome Center.…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending October 8, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.2% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 95 102 -7.6% Worship Total Attendance 164 174 -6.2% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 143 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 197 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 314 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 8 8 0.2% Grow Small Groups Participation 57 56 0.7% Give Offering Received $5,745…
Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending October 8, 2017
I was at a church leadership conference part of last week, and one of the presenters said what I’ve experienced every week with our kids…this is a generation who cares about people, knows how important it is to feel included, and will speak up if they don’t think people are being treated “nicely”. Kudos to you as parents for instilling in them a love of neighbor! Here’s what we have going on this week: Tribe 1 (4th-6th) Wednesday: Our small…
Congregational Metrics for Week Ending October 1, 2017
Pathway Weekly Metric Current Year Weekly Average Prior Year Weekly Average % Change Worship Attendance at 9 a.m. 69 72 -4.2% Worship Attendance at 11 a.m. 95 103 -7.8% Worship Total Attendance 164 175 -6.3% Worship 4 Week Reach at 9 a.m. 143 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship 4 Week Reach at 11 a.m. 199 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Worship Total 4 Week Reach 316 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Grow Small Groups 8 8 -1.0% Grow Small Groups Participation 56 57 -1.2% Give Offering Received $5,698…