We want our family to enjoy peace, happiness, and contentment, but so often we stumble through our most important relationships. Whether you have children, parents, grandchildren or in-laws, you are invited to join First United Methodist Church for worship from September 27 to October 11 for Bless This Home. During this series, we will consider what our faith can teach us about the opportunities and challenges facing families in El Dorado.
- September 27 – Hungry and Thirsty
- October 4 – Matters of the Heart
- October 11 – Living in the Kingdom of God
What is this sermon about?
This sermon is about ways to hunger and thirst for righteousness in our life and in the life of our family.
Why is this sermon important?
This sermon is important because our family life has a significant impact on our own. Also, paying attention to God in our daily life can be a significant part of our spiritual life.
What is the context of this sermon?
The Bless this Home sermon series and this sermon have been prepared with the help of the Bless this Home sermon series and resources from LifeChurch.tv. You can find resources used for this series on the LifeChurch.tv Open website at http://opn.rs/cs/g/s2
What are the next action steps?
Involve God in our daily life.
Make spiritual practices a non-negotiable for our family.
What is the good news (bottom line)?
You can find fulfillment in your life and for your family in Jesus.
The good news is that God is at work changing our spiritual appetite.