Summer blockbusters are here. In this series we will look for themes of faith in some excellent movies.
- July 17 – The Peanuts Movie
- July 24 – Field of Dreams
What is this sermon about?
This sermon is about clarity, vision and living life with purpose illustrated by the movie Field of Dreams.
Why is this sermon important?
It is important because it is easy to be hesitant about the ways in which God may be calling us.
What is the context of this sermon?
This sermon is preached the Sunday after Vacation Bible School. Vacation Bible School participants are performing at the 11 a.m. worship service. It is part of a two week series which is acting as an intermission between the Five Marks of a Methodist series.
What are the next action steps?
Take time to be quiet. Listen.
When vision is clear, take the next step.
Have faith.
Live life with purpose.
What is the good news? What is the bottom line?
The good news is that your life can make a difference.