Whether it is chosen or forced on you, change brings both opportunities and challenges. As a congregation, we are experiencing change in our building and worship space. As individuals, we experience changes throughout our lives: birth, death, marriage, divorce, new job, retirement and many others.
Join us at First United Methodist Church as we consider how our faith helps us to make sense of life’s changes. Each week, we will consider one of three stages of the transition process and how they can lead to meaningful and productive movement into a hopeful future. Invite a friend to join you for this series as we learn how to cope with the one constant in life: change.
What is this sermon about?
This sermon is about transitions and the neutral zone in our lives.
Why is this sermon important?
It is important because the neutral zone is a ripe opportunity for transformation and new beginnings. Our faith offers us tools to help us make progress in the neutral zone.
What is the good news?
The good news is that God brings new life to the wilderness, to the neutral zone, of our lives.
What are the next action steps?
You are invited to surrender to the neutral zone.
Take time to be alone.
Write a log.
Discover the truth about you.
What is the context of this sermon?
This is the second sermon in a series focused on transitions. It is the first Sunday of worship in the Fellowship Hall during renovation of our sanctuary. It has been prepared with help from a series preached by Dustin Petz at Norfolk United Methodist Church in August of 2014.