When was the last time you received a hand-written letter from someone? In the Bible, the books 1st and 2nd Timothy are two such personal letters. As he was nearing the end of his life, the Apostle Paul recognized the importance of passing his mission on to the next generation and he offers advice, directions and encouragement to his young disciple, Timothy, and to us. In this series, we take a close look at these treasured letters and their message for our lives today. Our challenge is to consider how we, like Paul, are passing our mission on to the next generation.
- January 29 – Write Letters
- February 5 – Set an Example
- February 12 – Pursue Holy Living
- February 19 – Don’t Be Ashamed
- February 26 – Finish the Race
What is this sermon about?
This sermon is understanding the humanity and divinity of Bible as found in 1 and 2 Timothy.
Why is this sermon important?
It is important because understanding more about the Bible can help us engage it in a more meaningful and significant way.
What is the good news?
The good news is that God speaks throughout the Bible. The letters from Paul to Timothy have treasures for us today.
What are the next action steps?
You are invited to keep reading 1 and 2 Timothy.
When you come to the difficult passages, read them in light of Jesus Christ.
What is the context of this sermon?
This sermon is part of a series focused on 1 and 2 Timothy. It utilizes sermons preached as part of the txt worship series in 2014, which in turn included resources from: Wrestling with the Bible sermon series at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection; txt sermon series at LifeChurch.tv and the book Making Sense of the Bible by Adam Hamilton.