Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending September 17, 2017

Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending September 17, 2017

I hope your transition to a school year routine has been a smooth one! Here’s what we have going on in Children’s Ministry:

Tribe 1 (4th-6th)

Our Tribe 1 kids had a blast playing Nerf wars at small group last week! In case y’all didn’t know it, some of our kids are a little cut throat when it comes to games. They also came up with some awesome ideas on how to serve our neighbors this year, and we’ll implement several of them. Remember, small group time is at 4 on Wednesdays, followed by FirstKids Serve at 5 on Wednesdays. There is not a formal Sunday School hour now, but I can plug kids into various leadership opportunities if needed from 10-11 a.m. Here are some examples:

  • Nursery helper: Assist our teacher in caring for kids from 4 months – 5 years
  • Tribe 2 helper: Assist teachers in instructing kids in K-3rd grades
  • Praise team member: Work with Chelle on music to present to the congregation (10:30-11)

Also, the first Sunday of each month, Pastor Andrew and other church leaders will work with kids who have an interest in leading various worship elements. On October 1, he will show kids what all is involved in preparing and serving communion so that kids can start to serve it as well.

I’ve attached a preliminary draft of the acolyte schedule (Acolyte_Schedule) as well as the brochure we use to train our acolytes (Acolyte_guide). Please make sure your child reports to the back of the sanctuary at 10:55 if they are scheduled to acolyte. If you can’t make it when your child is scheduled, please attempt to switch with someone. If that is unsuccessful, please let me know! If you have a kid who wants to acolyte but hasn’t gone through the training, let me know that, too. I can get with them to show them the ropes independently, and then we’ll get them on the schedule.

Note: I’ll be picking up my own kids in Whitewater on Wednesday nights, so I’ll likely be arriving right at 4 for small group. Don’t give up on me if I’m running a few minutes late!

Tribe 2 (K-3rd)

Our younger group was a little less sure of the whole Nerf business last Wednesday, but we got in some good target practice anyway. We also had some great ideas on how we can help people, so we’ll have plenty to keep us busy on Wednesday nights! Remember, for the younger group, Wednesday nights are from 5-6 p.m.

For Sunday School and FirstKids Worship, we’ve been studying the story of Hannah, Eli, and Samuel. We’re also finishing up our sub unit on the Lord’s Prayer; a booklet should be coming home soon to remind kids of the words. Please practice this at home…the Lord’s Prayer is an important part of how we understand conversation with God, and unites us to generations and generations of Jesus followers all over the world.


Our nursery kids are continuing to learn about Hannah, and how God heard her praying when she wanted a baby. The memory verse is, “Speak, your servant is listening” from 1 Samuel 3:10.

Also, we are looking to hire someone to work in the nursery on Sunday mornings and Wednesday afternoons. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please share my contact info with them so we can talk about what might be possible.

Have a great week!