Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Often we think that our treasure will follow our hearts, but Jesus suggested something different. He said that where our treasure goes (our time, money, and energy), our hearts will follow. Join us in worship for our new sermon series called Treasure. We will explore Matthew 6 and Jesus’ teachings on money, giving, worry, and more.
- October 26 – Where Is Your Treasure?
- November 2 – The Problem with Two Masters
- November 9 – Giving Your Treasure Back to God
- November 16 – Commitment Sunday
What is this sermon about?
This sermon is about the danger of having a divided heart and the opportunity to have a unified heart serving one master.
Why is this sermon important?
This sermon is important because it is easy for our hearts to be divided
What is the context of this sermon?
This is the second week of our annual stewardship campaign
What are the next action steps?
The next steps are to reflect on giving for 2014 and as you prepare your 2015 commitment, talk to God seeking to answer the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give in the year ahead?”
What is the good news (bottom line)?
The good news we do not need to have divided hearts. God’s grace enables us to follow Christ with all our heart and life.