"grief" Tagged Sermons
Submission / Resistance
We all have choices in life. Often, it seems, that we have to choose one or the other: Right or Left. This or That. True or False. Stop or Go. Sometimes, the answer is Both / And. Join us for a four-week series in worship as we consider the message of the book of James and how to live as disciples in our everyday life. May 29 – Hearer / Doer June 5 – Faith / Actions June 12 – Blessing / Curse June 19 – Submission…
Comforting Those Who Mourn
What we believe about death profoundly shapes how we live life. Each of us faces death regularly–whether it is the stories on the evening news, or the loss of someone we love. We have questions about death and ultimately we want to know how to face our own mortality with courage and hope. April 26 – Christianity and Suicide May 3 – Faith and Hope for Life and the Afterlife May 10 – Comforting Those Who Mourn May 17 –…
Christianity and Suicide
What we believe about death profoundly shapes how we live life. Each of us faces death regularly–whether it is the stories on the evening news, or the loss of someone we love. We have questions about death and ultimately we want to know how to face our own mortality with courage and hope. April 26 – Christianity and Suicide May 3 – Faith and Hope for Life and the Afterlife May 10 – Comforting Those Who Mourn May 17 –…