Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending December 17, 2017

Children’s Ministry Happenings for Week Ending December 17, 2017

First, wasn’t the kids’ program fun? A BIG thank you to Chelle for organizing that effort. Please make sure the thank her if you haven’t already.

Secondly, sorry this is a little late in getting out. But, here’s what we have going on…

Tribe 1 (4th-6th)

For our small group time tonight, we’ll wrap up our discussion on what we want to do next year, and will review our “Guiding Principles” to make sure we didn’t leave off anything important. We will also watch the short clip “Is God a Party Pooper” because it is a crowd favorite (who knew?).

During FirstKids Serve time, we will be putting items in the stockings we made for the Safe House kids. We’ll also have our Christmas party with games and snacks! This will be our last Wednesday activity until after the New Year.

Lastly, the soup and pie dinner is after the cantata this Sunday. It is a fundraiser for the youth, but I thought this Tribe could use a fundraiser, too, to help pay for future mission trips and camp! Please let me know if you can provide a soup or pie, or if you’re willing to help serve. We will need some help with set up around 4:45, will start serving around 5, and will likely start cleaning up around 5:30.

Tribe 2 (K-3rd)

For FirstKids Serve this afternoon, we will be putting items in the stockings for the Safe House kids. We’ll also have our Christmas party with games and snacks! This will be our last Wednesday activity until after the New Year.

On Sunday mornings, we’ll learn more about the birth of Jesus and will be lighting the 3rd candle of Advent, Joy. Sue is returning to work with our kids on a song to celebrate MLK day in January.


Our nursery kids are talking about baby Jesus for the whole month of December, which includes lots of baby doll play. We aren’t emphasizing the memory verse as much this month because it is so long! But, they will have at least heard it: The time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous descendant from David’s line, and he will rule as a wise king. (No wonder we’re not working on it much, huh?!)