It is super cold today, but it looks like it’s supposed to be much warmer tomorrow so we will have our regular Wednesday events. I hope your new year if off to a great start, and I look forward to meeting up regularly with your kids again! Here’s what we have going on.
Tribe 1 (4th-6th)
Before Christmas, this group wrote down some of their faith questions and we’ll spend much of the spring answering them during small group time. I’m excited to help guide students to discover their own answers to some of Christianity’s biggest questions. Also, for FirstKids Serve time, we’ll be joining the younger Tribe in sorting mountains of hygiene supplies that were donated to us. We will use these for our Blessing Box, Kids Need to Eat, in our local schools, and other venues.
This group is continuing to meet for Fellowship time on Sunday mornings from just after 10 to just before 11. For now, our music has been put on hold as we seek out people who can help lead this group. They are interested in vocal performance, continuing their ukulele careers, skits, and just about anything else! If you are interested in leading, even for a short season, please let me know.
Tribe 2 (K-3rd)
This group has learned about epiphany and Jesus’ baptism during Sunday School and Children’s Church the last few weeks. Baptism will continue to be a source of discussion during Children’s Church, as we learn the ins and outs of how baptism is practiced in the United Methodist Church. This group would love to have a music leader, too, so please let me know if you’re interested.
We will join the older Tribe on Wednesday at 5 to sort hygiene supplies to be given out to various groups including the schools, the Blessing Box, Kids Need to Eat, and others.
Our nursery kids have been learning how Jesus loves all children, and the lessons have gotten personal as kids have discovered that Jesus loves them personally. Summer Parker, a long time member and nursery volunteer, is now working in the nursery on Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. Please stop by and welcome Summer to the church as a staff member. Ava Wedel is also volunteering in the nursery most Sunday mornings along with Hannah Menadue. A big thank you to those serving our youngest grades!
Thank you, and see you all soon!
Director of Discipleship
First United Methodist Church