Planting for the Harvest: Giving and the Christian Life

Planting for the Harvest: Giving and the Christian Life

Jesus began one of his most famous parables, “A farmer went out to plant seeds…” He frequently used illustrations from the farm to teach his disciples about growing spiritually, the practices that help us live as disciples of Jesus Christ, and the struggles we face in experiencing the joy of the Christian life.

Join First United Methodist Church this fall for Lessons from a Pumpkin Farm. We will study Jesus’ agricultural lessons and other biblical teachings regarding the spiritual life. Learn about growing in the Christian life each week with biblical principles illustrated by one of America’s best pumpkin farms.

  • August 21 – Good Soil: The Importance of Worship
  • August 28 – Stay Connected with the Vine: How Faith Grows
  • September 4 – Planting for the Harvest: Giving and the Christian Life
  • September 11 – Walking and Weeding: The Power of Serving Together
  • September 18 – Harvest Time: Sharing a Mission from God

What is this sermon about?

This sermon is about God owning it all, us acting as stewards and God’s provision for all to which God has called us.

Why is this sermon important?

This sermon is important because too often we focus on the outcomes of our gifts, instead of on the foundation for all of what we have.

What is the context of this sermon?

This is the third week of Lessons from a Pumpkin Farm and New Member Sunday. We are using stories from Carroll and Becky Walters and their farm to help us learn about following Jesus. The videos are produced by Scott Olney of Olney Productions.

What are the next action steps?

God owns it all.

We are God’s stewards.

We already have more than enough for all to which God has called us.

So, let’s celebrate!

What is the good news? What is the bottom line?

The good news is that God provides us generously with the resources we need to do what God calls us to do.